Who is Molembike?

MolemBIKE is a non-profit association from the Maritime district of Molenbeek and the West of Brussels. It brings together dozens of enthusiasts, volunteers, activists and professionals around the bicycle.

A multiplicity of projects and activities are being developed in a very friendly environment: cycling lessons for beginners and advanced cyclists (Hirond'ELLES), a participative cycling workshop (Do-It-Yourself), discovery rides for the general public, a mobile repair workshop (Barak'à Fiets), a small mechanics school, cycling courses for children and awareness-raising activities for cyclists in everyday life (Kidical Mass 1080 etc.).

Our association is committed to societal change, starting from a more sustainable mobility, a more friendly city and a more inclusive society.

The social purpose of the ASBL MolemBIKE is to strengthen social cohesion through cycling and participatory community action. It promotes access to cycling and sustainable mobility in the city, by promoting road safety, well-being and the improvement of the living environment and health of people and its members.


The association promotes :

  • meeting and conviviality by promoting diversity and equal opportunities
  • cycling culture and exchange of good practice in mobility
  • cycling in general and particularly in an urban context
  • motility", i.e. the "ability to be mobile" and to use the diversity of the transport offer available to us
  • the culture of autonomy in mobility, in particular the empowerment of citizens⸱ne⸱s in the maintenance of their bicycle and in travelling in the city
  • sharing knowledge about bicycle mechanics and traffic regulations
  • the valorisation of common goods vis-à-vis a market logic
  • health and its link to active mobility


It works at the local level for a radical transition of lifestyles in view of the climate and environmental challenges. It promotes the circular economy and recycling.

It is primarily aimed at the inhabitants⸱e⸱s, schools and associations of the neighbourhoods surrounding its centre of action located in the Maritime district (City of Brussels, Molenbeek, Laeken), and secondly at the inhabitants of the poor crescent of Brussels in the municipalities around the canal.

The association addresses citizens⸱ne⸱s, road users⸱e⸱s and everyday cyclists of all ages. The issue of mobility extends to fostering better community fruition of public space, more inclusive sharing between users⸱e⸱s and improving community facilities and infrastructure.

It targets a less privileged or more marginal audience to counteract inequalities.


Molembike works for 'social mechanics', where the bicycle is conceived as a tool for emancipation.

The association works to overcome gender stereotypes and the divisions between women and men in the use of bicycles, mechanical repairs and all other areas of social life.

It promotes participation in society, mobility and eventually empowerment of people with disabilities.

It is committed to combating discrimination on the basis of gender, origin, sexual orientation or religion.


In its secondary missions, the association

  • promotes local tourism, the discovery of local heritage and natural areas. And also access to culture and artistic heritage.
  • promotes the professional integration of young people and those most marginalised from the world of work.
  • promotes the link between art and cycling


More specifically, in order to pursue its aims, the association carries out activities and actions that aim to

- to encourage exchange and encounters between inhabitants⸱e⸱s

- to accompany the activities of the inhabitants⸱e⸱s around the bicycle in a logic of appropriation

- initiate activities in response to the needs of the inhabitants⸱e⸱s for sustainable mobility

- organise events, awareness-raising or advocacy actions

- organise cycling courses

- provide a space equipped with basic mechanics

- organise cultural visits

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