Legal information

MolemBIKE is a non-profit association (asbl) whose Constitutive General Assembly took place on 25 November 2021.

The URL of its website is www.molembike.behis e-mail address is and its telephone number is 04 86 90 62 03.

Its company number is 0777854480 and its registered office is located at Rue Picard, 3, 1000 Brussels.

This website belongs to MolemBIKE asbl and is hosted by Domaine Public, an independent ASBL collectively managed by its members and whose servers are located not far from Brussels

When you enter your personal data on our website (e-mail address to receive newsletters, contact details to make a reservation at the workshop, language preference, etc.), they will not be disclosed, given to third parties or used in any way other than ...effect....

The site manager is ARTHUR UBERTI -

Photo credits and image rights :

1. The images used on the website are the property of MolemBIKE or of any other person or legal entity mentioned in the copyright.
2. Reproduction of photographs and illustrations is prohibited without prior permission.
3. Under the rules governing image rights, any non-public person who appears in a photograph and who has not expressly authorised its publication on this site may, by simple request, have it removed.